Hello….Welcome to Tips From a PT

Shawna, PT, MPT
Does this sound familiar? On top of a demanding job outside-of-the-home and taking care of kids/grandkids , you now have the responsibility of caring for an aging loved one with special needs (i.e. frequent Dr. appointments, hip precautions, assist with bathing/dressing/toileting/bed mobility/transfers/walking, complicated medical equipment, etc.). You desperately want/need to learn more about transfers, swelling control, and putting on those boa constrictor-like TED hose but there is not enough time in the day. So you hire help (in-home providers, CNA’s, Home Health nurses, Hospice services) and pray your loved one does not suffer any falls/injuries.
Realistically, falls and injuries-like most everything in life-just happen. However, what if you had a Physical Therapist educate you in transfers/lift safety and/or give you tips for managing falls, controlling swelling and putting on those pesky TED hose without having to make an appointment or add to your already hectic schedule?
You’re not alone and now there’s another option via the convenience of technology and the internet! Hello, I am a licensed Master’s degree Physical Therapist with 20+ years of patient care experience in a variety of settings. It will be my honor and privilege to provide easy-to-understand and useful tips I teach everyday to other caregivers struggling with the daily care of a loved one in the home.
I believe information, communication, and consistent handling techniques are the keys to making a difference in the lives of both patients and family members providing daily care. Therefore, if you ever need any feedback or support regarding transfers and care of a loved one, I would be more than happy to connect at shawna@tipsfromapt.com. I look forward to your comment(s) below, and make sure you visit my site frequently for my latest tips and information designed to help you navigate the responsibility for caring of a loved one or client. Let’s work together and make daily care easier and safer!
Best Regards,
Shawna, MPT