Transfers & Trends

Thank you again for visiting my website.


Here, you can view videos and learn about different transfers (standing up from a rocking recliner, floor transfers, getting in and out of bed, and using a medical sliding/transfer board) as well as some trends (current news regarding home medical equipment, the benefits of ice, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil, and even some healthy recipes like my Diabetic-Friendly Chocolate Chip cookies).



Providing care in the home is becoming more and more prominent in the healthcare industry, but there is limited interaction between caregivers that work outside of the home and the skilled care team (Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Social Care Worker) providing care in the home.  Hopefully, with this website, that window of opportunity will be opened up and provide a forum for caregiver-therapist communication.  Please contact me with any questions, ideas for topics, or to help others by sharing your stories/experiences.



I am here to help make taking care of a loved one in the home both safer and easier and look forward to hearing from you.



Your Friend in Caregiving,

Shawna PT, MPT